Error Codes


  • LS: Liquidity Sub

  • LA: Liquidity Add


  • OLD: The target must be chronologically after the oldest observation

  • I: The pool has not been initialized


  • NP: Burn cannot be called for a position with 0 liquidity


  • LO: LiquidityGrossAfter must be less than MaxLiquidity


  • T: The given tick must be less than, or equal to, the maximum tick

  • R: second inequality must be < because the price can never reach the price at the max tick


  • TF: Transfer Failed : errors with TF if transfer fails


  • LOK: The reentrancy guard. A transaction cannot re-enter the pool mid-swap

  • TLU: The lower tick must be below the upper tick

  • TLM: The lower tick must be greater, or equal to, the minimum tick

  • TUM: The upper tick must be lesser than, or equal to, the maximum tick

  • AI: The pool is already initialized

  • M0: Mint 0, The balance of token0 in the given pool before minting must be less than, or equal to, the balance after minting

  • M1: Mint 1, The balance of token1 in the given pool before minting must be less than, or equal to, the balance after minting

  • AS: amountSpecified cannot be zero

  • SPL: Square root price limit

  • IIA: Insufficient input amount, an insufficient amount of input token was sent during the callback

  • L: Liquidity in the pool must be greater than zero for a flash to be executed

  • F0: The balance of token0 in the given pool before the flash transaction must be less than, or equal to, the balance of token0 after the flash plus the fee

  • F1: The balance of token1 in the given pool before the flash transaction must be less than, or equal to, the balance of token1 after the flash plus the fee

Last updated